Finished riveting the center section
March 24, 2025
A few more short sessions and the center section is riveted together!
Not much to add here, the seat and the baggage ribs are riveted to the skin.
Sadly, once I turned the part upside down, I found two long scratches on the skin. Not sure what happened, I had blankets on the tables. Probably, it was a cleco. I scuffed the scratches with the maroon Scotch-Brite, and it smooths the scratches to the point you cannot feel them with a nail. Should be okay.
Not sure what's next. I still don't have the center bulkhead or the longerons, so I cannot continue assembling the fuselage. My wing crating window is in months, so hopefully, I will get the remaining parts soon!
There are some small things to do still (deburr the skins, fasten the brackets for the seatbelts).