Fitting the right auxiliary longeron
January 28, 2025
Drilled the right auxiliary longeron to the skin and worked on a stiffener.
Same story as for the left side and drilled all the holes in the right auxiliary longeron.
View from the outside.
Then I made small angle clips for the forward stiffeners. They are a tiny bit trickier than I initially thought -- one flange needs some tiny tapering so it fits between the firewall angle and the skin.
I did not drill them to make it easier to fit to the firewall angle and to the longerons.
The F-719 stiffeners are a piece of an AA6-063X3/4X3/4 angle that has a joggle on one side to fit over the F-704 bulkhead.
The joggle is not perfectly formed, also after fitting it to the fuselage and marking the location of the holes, I found that the aft hole on the skin would be directly over the bend line.
I did not like that, so decided to replace them with the straight angles with fabricated attachment clips.
The first attempt looked okay, but I thought that I can keep the flange of the stiffener that goes over the F-704.
So I did the part again and got the following parts. I think I went a bit overboard with the number of rivets -- there will be 6 rivets total connecting the stiffener to the small angle clip, 5 of which will be AD4 rivets.
This is what it looks like installed on the fuselage.