Baggage area framing2.5h
January 21, 2025
Since I don't have the parts to make progress on the front, I switched to the baggage area framing.
I started with deburring the baggage ribs.
We all like to talk about how important edge distances are, and then we get this part!
Then I drilled the ribs to the skin. You can see that I am getting yet another edge distance issue.
Yep, the distance is no good!
Luckily, I have this piece of angle (a stiffener) from the practice kit, and it is the same thickness as the rib itself.
I fabricated a small doubler from it.
Also, the rib flange is not tight to the F-623 rib, so I need some spacer. The good thing is that the doubler can be both a doubler AND a spacer!
The doubler is drilled and it looks good. I'll use two AN426AD3 or AN470AD3 rivets to connect it to the F-724 rib.
Finally, a hole for the static line.
I did not drill the F-750 part to the F-722. Three holes that are sized #40 but need to be upsized to #30 for LP4-3 rivets. Since these rivets don't require any dimpling, and the fit is relatively tight in that area, I am going to leave these holes for now. Once I partially rivet the fuselage, I will drill the holes and install the LP4-3 rivets.