Assorted work
January 28, 2025
Some assorted work in preparation for the priming session.
The first thing I did was check the tail section for cracks. Cracks?! Well, when I was riveting F-711 parts, at some point I noticed a small scratch going down the inner side of the flange bend. I cleaned the primer from that area and did not find any cracks. The line looked very straight, so it did not look like a crack to me. Well, later I found some images online where the builder was getting a crack on the skin that looked eerily similar to mine. So, I decided to use a crack detection kit just to be sure.
First, I cleaned the areas where I suspected the cracks.
Then I applied the crack detection liquid. I did not find any cracks. Now the area looks like a crime scene. I will probably brush some primer on it.
The next step was to redo the F-711D angle. Although it was close to the dimensions given by the plans, I did not like the edge distance on both sides. The angle could be longer.
Now the issue is that there are two rivet shop heads that don't have enough space, but that shouldn't be an issue -- I can relieve the angle a bit.
Next, I relieved some flanges of the F-706 bulkhead assembly -- to allow for the rivets and the nutplate.
Then I drilled the holes for the nutplates on the F-715 seat ribs and selected the parts I am going to prime next (seat ribs and all the short longerons and the floor stiffeners).