Ivan's RV-7

Drilling various gussetsTimer icon2.5h

January 28, 2025

Drilled some gussets today.

I started with the forward fuselage gussets, F-695. These parts are known for not matching the angle perfectly, so I sanded them a little bit. It does make a part just a tiny bit shorter, though, which then requires changing the location of the holes on it.

Also, the overlap between the longeron and the engine mount is about 1/2", so a perfectly located hole would get an exactly 0.250" edge distance. Not too much to work with!

There are a total of 14 holes on the long side, which I placed with an equal spacing of about 1/2".

However, in the end, I found that the first one of the last four holes was exactly at the edge of the engine mount (see the left blue dot).

Poorly located hole in the fuselage gusset.

I could have moved the gusset a bit aft so the rivet clears the engine mount (the right blue dot) but decided to replace the part instead. Since I only drilled the part and not the fuselage, it's not a big deal.

Here is another view of the gusset:

Another view on the problem.

For the right side gusset, I drew the line where the engine mount ends and made sure that I have enough edge distance both for the first longeron-only rivet and the last rivet on the engine mount.

The right F-695 gusset.

Then I moved on to the aft fuselage deck. Not much there. I checked that the fuselage is straight and doesn't have much twist in it, both using a bubble gauge and a digital inclinometer. Then I drilled the holes in the aft deck.

The aft fuselage deck. Another view of the deck.

Finally, I drilled the holes in the F-757 plate. 5 holes are shared with the F-721B canopy deck and the longeron and 3 holes are the new ones. After I drilled the aft three holes I was researching the supertracks extension and saw that these three rivets are flush rivets whereas the plans show AN470AD4 rivets. Then I realized that even though the locations of the rivets are given on the tip-up variant of the F-757 plate, the rivets for the sliding canopy are indeed the flush AN426AD4 rivets. Tricky-tricky!

The left F-757 plate is drilled to the fuselage.