Started mounting the vertical stabilizer
March 7, 2025
Today I started mounting the vertical stabilizer.
I did not take too many photos, though. So here are the few I did.
First, I fabricated the up elevator stop (which is also used to mount the vertical stabilizer).
I did not trim it as per plan and also made it wider. The idea is to see how much exactly I can trim to get a good edge distance on all the holes and also correct up elevator travel.
I used my tape measure to position the vertical stabilizer square to the horizontal stabilizer. I measured from the front two holes (the ones used for attaching the top fairing). They are symmetrical and also could be used to cleco the tape measure to get somewhat repeatable results.
I drilled the four holes in the F-781 and removed the stabilizer to drill the rest. Then I realized that I allowed the front spar of the stabilizer to drop so much that F-781 caught on the flange of the VS-704 rib.
Initially, I thought of trimming the F-781 to make it fit. I marked the top of the part that overlaps with the VS-704.
This is the gap due to the overlap.
But then I thought of making the F-781B spacer the thickness of VS-704 (0.032") and see if it works. I made the spacer, trimmed it such that it fits nicely under the F-781, and drilled the holes in it. I put it on the stabilizer, and it did not seem to impact my hinge alignment situation on the rear spar. So, this is what I am going with.
This is what the parts sandwich looks like.
I test-fit the rudder, and it fits fine. There is some slight tightness, I think, due to the central hinges being just a tiny bit off to the side.
Also, the rudder would have interfered with the garage door if I had to open it. Kind of felt risky that way, so I need to turn the plane around to work on the empennage.