Ivan's RV-7

Assembling the aileron hinges and priming the sparsTimer icon2h

January 19, 2025

A bit more priming, and a bit of riveting, too.

Today I assembled the aileron hinges.

There are a couple of locations where you need to use flush rivets. Some of them are on the hinges themselves and some of them are on the angles. The ones on the hinges were easy to countersink using a regular microstop cage. However, the ones on the angles were not, the cage wouldn't fit. I ended up using a countersink bit in my milling machine. Since I have a dial indicator attached to it, it was easy to make these countersinks the same depth.

Countersinking the hinge angles

Then I riveted the hinges together.

Assembling the aileron hinges

Also, I scuffed the rear spars and primed them the same day.

Priming the rear spars