Installing the aileron hardware.
March 24, 2025
It took a bit of work to install the tie-down ring and some of the aileron hardware.
When I installed the leading edge, I forgot to drill the hole for the tie-down ring. Also, I did not install the bracket that tie-down ring screws into. To access that bracket I had to remove the fuel tank, install the bracket, then put the fuel tank back.
This is what the tie-down ring looks like.
Since there was some gap between the bracket and the skin I printed an ABS spacer to go there. This spacer also allows me to "clock" the tie-down to its desired position. I glued the spacer with some CA glue.
While doing that, I installed some of the aileron hardware. The Alodine-colored bracket is the one that comes from the roll servo kit (I am planning to install GSA28 servos).