Priming the parts of the center section3h
January 21, 2025
Spent some time fitting the parts and then priming.
The first thing I did was to see how two halves of the center section fit together. I used four of the close tolerance bolts which I intend to replace with new ones for the final installation. They are about $7.00 each, so not a big deal.
I also fitted the left wing spar, it also fits well. Very tight fit, some tapping is needed but looks good.
And the sides, which I forgot to put.
Then I turned over to priming the parts for the center section. The control column mounts have bearings pressed in them which needed to be protected from both the cleaning and the primer. I tried to use the painter's tape but did not like how well it sticks (and also, cutting it is a hassle). So instead I machined simple bushings that cover both sides and are bolted together through the bearing.
The covers in action.
Finally, I cleaned and primed everything.