Finished riveting the aft section
January 28, 2025
Got my tailwheel bracket all powder coated, so finished riveting the aft fuselage.
First, I did a bit of touch-up priming of the aft insides. While fitting and riveting everything, I got some scratches on the primer. I used a paintbrush to brush the primer, so it looks hideous.
This is the bracket I got from the powder coating service. Looks good! The color is different from what Vans uses, but since the bracket is hidden, it doesn't matter.
Then I riveted the remaining rivets. Since I did riveting in a different order, I wasn't able to set the rivets that are next to the bracket. I used MK-319-BS there. Two adjacent rivets I probably could have set with a rivet gun, but I didn't have a bucking bar to reach them. Since it is an awkward spot to rivet, I decided to put pull rivets there as well.