The left external step and the floor stiffeners1.5h
January 21, 2025
Back from the vacation, and back to building!
Resolving some "debt" today. First, I drilled the plastic block for the left external step. This was the third plastic block! This time, I was careful to hold it tight in the vise, so everything went well.
The next thing was to drill the outboard floor stiffeners. These were also extra parts as I did not like how the holes aligned on the first attempt: there was nothing to clamp the angles to, so I asked a helper to hold them tight while I drilled them. However, it was not enough, they moved, and the holes were not completely centered.
This time instead of drilling I only rotated the drill bit by hand to mark the location of the hole, then center-punched it and drilled on the table. This worked.