Ivan's RV-7

Finishing the rudder bottom fairingTimer icon3h

January 28, 2025

A bit more work on fairings.

Over the last few days, I worked on a rudder bottom fairing. I didn't take many pictures, but here is what I did: covered it with epoxy with micro, sanded, covered with the clear thin epoxy, sanded again, then spray primed.

This is the fairing after the clear epoxy.

Fairing after clear epoxy has been applied

After spraying the primer. There are a few pinholes still. I think I didn't apply enough of the micro balloons / clear epoxy so when I sanded, I sanded back to the base material. That's okay, this primer coat is just a temporary measure until I am ready to paint the whole airplane.

Fairing after priming

The intermediate end result.

Fairing installed to the bottom of the rudder