Priming the first set of wing ribs3h
January 21, 2025
Sunday was the priming day.
Same as usual, scuff the ribs, then spray them with the Stewart Systems EkoPoxy. I chose my batch size to be 10 ribs, mostly limited by my desire to spend time preparing them.
I have, I think, 28 main ribs in total, so I need at least 3 sessions before I can start assembling the wing. There are also the nose ribs used in the leading edge, but I want to replace them all. I checked their nose flanges and I didn't like how much material I removed when I was deburring them. 7 of them are kind of okay, but they still have quite thin sections in the nose flanges.
Since I cannot fit all 10 ribs at once on my priming table, I used a soft wire to create a hook to grab a primed rib and put it on the drying rack.
Here is the drying rack.
Because I need to prime parts soon after they are scuffed (so I cannot do them in short breaks during the work week), I think, it will take me two more weekends to prime all the ribs.